Future Blues OST
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Liner Notes: None

Price: $45.49 at Amazon.com.

To download or read further information on a track, click on the links for each song title. Lyrics, performers, episodes, etc. provided where available. Please refrain from direct linking any of the downloads. If you must link to a song, link only to the HTML cover page for the file.
  1. 24 hours OPEN
  2. Pushing the Sky
  3. Time to Know ~ Be Waltz
  4. Clutch
  6. Yo' Pumpkin Head
  7. Diggin'
  8. 3.14
  9. What Planet is This?
  10. 7 Minutes

  1. Fingers
  2. Powder
  3. Butterfly
  4. No Reply
  5. Dijurido
  6. Gotta Knock a Little Harder
  7. No Money
  8. Rain (Mai Yamane version) [hidden track]
Future Blues