The cult leader Londes and the Scratch logo/website are based on images
from the real life cult "Heaven's Gate." Marshall
Herff Applewhite (the bizarre leader of Heaven's Gate whom Londes is based
on) preached that the Hale-Bopp comet, brought here by aliens, would some
how come and take the cultist's souls to paradise. Most of the cultists, including
Applewhite, committed suicide in order to be "saved" by the comet. If you
visit the Heaven's Gate website, you'll notice that
the Scratch website is somewhat similar.
The reporter for the CBC news program was named "Mark Rather." I'm fairly
certain that the name is a reference to Dan Rather.
The whole abandoning your body to live in the net idea is a tribute to another
great anime, Serial Experiments: Lain.
In the scene where Jet is waiting in line to buy "Brain Dream", there's
a cardboard cut out of Laura Croft right behind him.
Among the dead bounty hunters in Londes' big "TV room" is the body of one
of the three old coots. (you know, the old dudes who appear in almost every
comedy episode?)
If you notice any references that I missed, I would appreciate
it if you e-mail me.