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6/21/02 -- OK, you can stop whining now. >_< - It's a funny thing. Almost all the big changes I've ever done on this site have been the result of people making dumbass comments to me. I could get hundreds of intelligent or nice or helpful e-mails, but one asshole and suddenly I'm reworking the navigation or redrawing my main image or something. Anyway, as you may have already noticed, I added the downloads section to the main menu. Apparently, some people were unable to find them before. Go figure.

6/20/02 -- Additions to the Merchandise - Thanks to some extra enthusiasm I've been feeling lately (could it have something to do with the CD box set that's almost here? :p), I've added a couple of pages to the Merchandise section. A bootleg FAQ - which is something I've been meaning to add to the site for some time - and an info page about the various Cowboy Bebop figures and models that are avaliable. I also added some better navigation to all of the Merchandise pages, so that things are easier to find on them. Let me know if there are any broken links or missing images.

6/19/02 -- CD box set: SENT! - An e-mail from CDJapan today - they've sent my CD box set. It'll be here in 4-6 days. HAPPY DANCE!!

6/18/02 -- Bleah - Well, it seems that for most of the month the video downloads have been down. Why? Because I miss-linked them when I re-organized the site. >_< You people have to tell me these things, or I'll never know! Many thanks go out to WSnipes100 for telling me about the problem. So if you haven't been able to download the commercials/trailers, they should work now. If they don't, send me an e-mail. Oh, and for those of you not paying close enough attention: three more days until the CD box set is released in Japan. :D

6/10/02 -- More MP3 updates - Spike82 of Callisto's Blue Crow has offered to host some of my MP3s. This'll take some of the load off Eye, plus it means that the MP3s he's hosting will be up 24/7. Currently, Spike is hosting OST 1 and Vitaminless. As for the upcoming MP3s, I'm planning on buying a third server to help handle them, so we should be good to go by the time the box set gets here.

6/08/02 -- KOHD screening - TONIGHT! - From Digitalsin:

The "My Reality: Contemporary Art and the Culture of Japanese Animation" anime film festival at the Tampa Museum of Art on Ashley Street in downtown Tampa will screen the Cowboy Bebop motion picture, "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" tomorrow evening (June 8th) at 7PM. Admission to the film is free with museum admission. For more information, contact the Museum at (813) 274-8130.

The question on my mind is, will this version be one translated professionally by Columbia (subtitles only, since no one has been cast for the dub yet), will it be one of the bootleg translations floating around, or will it perhaps be the untranslated Japanese version?

6/05/02 -- Time for a little spring cleaning - I'm doing a major overhaul of the site's organization today, so don't be surprised if sometime this evening you have problems accessing parts of the site. I'll start with the mirror, which means that the movie files and live tracks will probably be down temporarily, then I'll work on the main site. Don't let it alarm you, it'll probably only take a couple of hours.

6/02/02 -- Ed wins in the John Delany poll! Every week, Toonzone has a fan poll deciding which animated hero or heroine John Delany will draw for that week (a while back, Spike won the poll). The new tallys are in for this week, and everybody's favorite insane hacker-child has made the grade! See the sketch (and the colored variation) here. I'd also encourage you, if you haven't already, to look at some of the other past winners.

5/31/02 -- The Animatrix has you - As you may or may not have already heard, there will be a series of anime shorts based on the Matrix, directed by some of the biggest names in anime. One of those names is the director we all know and love, Shinchiro Watanabe. You can currently see a Flash preview of these shorts here. Thanks to little bee for pointing out that web site to me.

5/29/02 -- About the MP3s - A little clarification about the MP3s from Eye, and I wanted to pass it on. The Eye runs his own server, which is the only way to go as far as I'm concerned (if you can afford it. ^_^;). Which means that whenever he shuts down his computer, his server shuts down, thus you guys can no longer access the MP3s. Therefore, the main body of MP3s won't be up all the time - it'll be off and on. I'm perfectly amenable to this situation, as it's much better than having to take the songs down 20 days out of 30. However, I can imagine the load of e-mails I'm going to get from people telling me that my MP3s don't work at one time or another - hopefully, though, you guys will read this message and will realize that there's nothing that can be done about that. ^_^; The video clips, of course, stay up all the time, as do the live tracks. Once the CD box set gets here, I'll be putting the new tracks up on my server. Most likely I'll need to institute the off-and-on strategy for the new tracks. Sorry if it's bothersome, but them's the breaks.

5/28/02 -- GLORY AND PRAISE! (Some good news about the MP3s for once.) - Thanks to the unparalleled generosity of The Eye, every last one of the MP3s is up! Eye is hosting my MP3s at his site The Nintendo Zone. Please visit his site and let him know how much you appreciate it!

5/27/02 -- CDs page updated - Sorry about the lack of news lately! T'ain't my fault, there just isn't any news to report. :) I do have one thing updated, though - thanks to Big-Big-Truck, I have a the track listing for the CD Box Set. You can find the link to it on the CDs page.

5/23/02 -- Bandwidth relief measure number three: possible, or a pipe dream? - Measure under consideration: buying space at yet another host, thus balancing the bandwidth load between three servers rather than two. Is this measure possible? I tell you all truly, such a gambit has me a bit worried. It could work for a while, but I'm anxious about what could happen were I to be short on cash one month. However, with the upcoming CD box set, the current setup is simply intolerable. So many tracks are coming, and I want to be able to house them; but can I? If you want me to host those tracks, I ask that you send me a donation. No matter how small the donation, it will be of help.

5/22/02 -- How could I forget! - In all the hubub surrounding my web site, it completely slipped my mind that BBT gave me some wicked cool gift art. #^_^# Happy, happy, happy!!

5/22/02 -- Well, finally - It 'pears Gearhost has decided to give me a reprieve. The mirror site will stay where it is, however, in case of emergency. And to those who've queried me about the new box set: yes indeed, if it is at all possible I will put up the new tracks. But don't be surprised if downloads become even more severely restricted! Sorry about the inconvenience of the site being down. Gearhost has promised me that they won't disable my account again without warning me first.

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